From your search results you may select one or more assets to perform tasks like editing metadata, adding them to projects, exporting them, downloading them, drag 'n drop them. 

To drag 'n drop an asset unto another application like Indesign, you can drag the preview and it will drop the original asset. To do this, hold the CTRL key while you drag and drop. 

To perform tasks on a single asset, you can use the thumbnail menu. It opens if you click on the little triangle in the top right of the thumbnail. 

Which options you have depends on the configuration of Pixometry Imagin in your organisation, and may be different from the options seen here. 

To perform a task on multiple assets at once, you can select the assets and then use drag 'n drop unto one of the four dark gray bars shown below. 

Dragging them unto "Queues" will allow you to drop the selected thumbnail unto one of the available exports. Which exports are available depends entirely on the configuration of Pixometry Imagin for your organisation. 

Dragging them unto "Projects" will allow you to drop the selected thumbnails unto one of your projects. The action will add the selected assets to the project. 

Dragging them unto "Status" will allow you to change the status, for example from "new" to "protected". 

Dragging them unto "Edit" will allow you to edit metadata and change dimensions and create a crop frame (images only).