Next to the normal search box, you will find these drop down menus. These menus influence your search results. 

Search preferences

Fuzzy search

Fuzzy search includes keywords in your search that are similar to what you typed but not exactly the same. Searching for "color" will also find assets with the keyword "colour" etc. 

Search suggest

If this is enabled, you will see a list of keywords appear as soon as you start typing. The keyword list shows only keywords that are in your index. You can then simply select the keyword from the list. 

Sort by receive date

This will sort the search result by receive date, the newest asset first. If this option is not enabled, it will sort on search engine relevance. 

Search type


This drop down menu shows the type of assets that can be imported in Pixometry Imagin. In the screenshot all types are checked and therefore included in the search results. But if you want to search only for images and graphics for example, then you can deselect the other types. 

Search status

An asset can have different statuses, depending on your configuration. The status can indeed be "deleted" while the asset is still in the system, as there are scheduled maintenance processes that take care of actual deletion.